Cosmopolitan and Universal

To set up this election campaign is my Job.
I put on righteousness as my clothing; for justice is my robe and my turban,
with reference to the current international version.
I am not a christian. I am not a jew. I am not a muslim. I am not a hindu. I am not a buddhu.
It is for goodness good enough for the whole world and EU,
For Me and for You.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

2013 - To Wish, Desire and Want

How much or strong is that will "to wish, desire, want" and stock any "supply for future use"?
For the good living practice.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Taking KSP further on a Design Line of Jobbers.

In the "devised method of organization," lined up is a plan for the "faculty of invention. That for a finding, a discovery, and all along "devise, discover, find," from "on, in" and "to do" and "to come".  Meaning "finding or discovering of something" as for a "thing invented" and to  "find, discover," also "to come upon; devise, discover" thus by having to "make up", "think up", "induce", "deduce", "calculate", "derive" to make that a "produce by original thought", for all the efforts prepared and maintained by those "skilled in invention," as in the action of undertaking jobbers eager to undertake training for the enhancement of a talent from nothing at all as be a Jack shit enthusiastic to claim making a difference to take to the heights and to become the Jack of all trades, not to boast in another mans line of things made ready to ones hand. All in all to advance and gradually be the Master of Arts and Sciences in the Academies of Knowledge for the "passing it over" from a hand to another to "form, shape up or transform" the future.