Some of them. We have tried everyone’s patience to get an honest answer. If we have the patience to sift through the rubbish, they can also. We have not run out of patience with them.
I can not make out, though, if the staff trained to take care of the sick or infirm, especially in a hospital, during the pandemic, has had any impact on the virus. Because even if the people are vaccinated, or have become infected without having been vaccinated, immunity is short-lived and soon another virus variant has taken over. A virus does not go about with the intention of deceiving or eluding people, yet the homo sapient species have to revise their plans repeatedly. The homo sapients have to, continuously adapt, modify and update for modern medical practice to meet individual needs, as the viruses and the homo sapients hold urgent meetings to discuss the response to the pandemic. One virus is not the other like and each one of them tends to live its own life to the fullest, despite mankind’s enormous readiness and investment with knowledge and resources to fight it. It may seem that the problem is solved when flock immunity is achieved and the virus has been defeated. At the same time, the virus has conquered a vast majority of the human population and created enough variants to be able to return, to affect the sapient patients, only and mainly when the immune system is depressed. A virus takes advantage of opportunities as and when they arise, regardless of planning or principle. Let us hope that each team of doctors and nurses has learned enough and that the pharmaceutical companies have received a reasonable return on their investment. As for politicians, they are probably not so sure of what really happened and if the homo sapients have become wiser or just appear wise. And what could they have done better, or done otherwise, to improve national, regional and the local health care efforts? After all, it is a fundamental excuse to disguise public spending, to have the necessary preparedness to save lives, but also to have taken prophylactic measures to prevent disease and injury. I guess it has been a medicine for everyone involved or a reminder of how to prevent disease and injury, in the first place, and in the simplest way. I suspect that viruses do not go about, on purpose, not to meet the expectations of those affected, or the like. After all, the life of a virus is not very natural and they can only reproduce and develop themselves, with the help of a living host cell with the right DNA and RNA with a cell membrane, through natural selection. Given, that viruses lack the key properties, which are generally considered to be necessary criteria for defining life, such as cell structure, viruses have been described as ‘organisms on the edge of life’, since they have some, but not all such properties. It is probably this characteristic of a virus that makes it so difficult for the human immune system to develop a universal antidote.
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