Cosmopolitan and Universal

To set up this election campaign is my Job.
I put on righteousness as my clothing; for justice is my robe and my turban,
with reference to the current international version.
I am not a christian. I am not a jew. I am not a muslim. I am not a hindu. I am not a buddhu.
It is for goodness good enough for the whole world and EU,
For Me and for You.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Independence to be free from outside control and not subject to another's authority.

Some learnings of 2015 about


So they leave their own country and place of birth as a political refugee for the protection granted by another state to someone who has left the home. It is because one feels one is capable of thinking or acting for oneself, not depending on something else for strength or effectiveness, not depending on another for livelihood or subsistence, not belonging to or supported by a political party, not supported by public funds, having no religion, no trade union, not connected with another or with each other. Separate to be able to provide others with the asylum especially to those too ill to care for themselves or clean their homes or make their own food.
Like an independent person or body and yet wanting to start an independent girls' school and an independent television station because it is the only way for a woman of independent means to make her own living by making it unnecessary or impossible for others to earn one's living - making someone else dependent. While men remain independent, pretending that they are.
Suppose one of the few independents left is the citizen that wanted to remain independent in old age.
A universal formula for an independent is that state of being incapable of being expressed in terms of, or derived or deduced from, the others. As in mathematics, one of a set of axioms, equations, or quantities.
Independence is what everyone asks for to be free from outside control and not subject to another's authority.
KSP is an independent option. Standing unsuccessfully as an independent since 1968. But will stand again. To commemorate half a century of homeless stay in a civilised democratic country. 
Only to become their President.

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