Cosmopolitan and Universal

To set up this election campaign is my Job.
I put on righteousness as my clothing; for justice is my robe and my turban,
with reference to the current international version.
I am not a christian. I am not a jew. I am not a muslim. I am not a hindu. I am not a buddhu.
It is for goodness good enough for the whole world and EU,
For Me and for You.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Take the school out into reality!

If  a school is an institution for educating children then how do all the children that did not go to school at all get educated?  The cost of housing a school in a building to be used by the school are the expenses paid to move reality into the building, portioned in models to project reality in schemes, stories, simplified descriptions, especially a mathematical one, of a system or process, in all to assist calculations and predictions for proper or improper use as some give in to the temptations of unjust or corrupt practice of applicable knowledge. Then why not move the school out into the real reality to limit its abuse?

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